Monday, March 15, 2010

This is the blog I wrote for Jolly Mom---
A few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me a link to Jolly Mom. Piera posted a blog looking for guest bloggers. One of her requests was for a blogger who had a craft in mind, so I took up the challenge. I have never been a guest blogger before and have looked forward to this post. My name is Christy Hadland. I am a stay at home mom to two active little boys in Capitola By the Sea. I spend my days with my boys running them from here to there and am always thinking of fun projects to do in my free time. Sometimes I include the boys and sometimes I work alone. Like most of you I see something at Target or other little boutique and think "No, way am I paying that---I can make it myself!" Recently, I saw a very similar Easter Wreath at Target, it was about $12.99. I went to one of my favorite places, The Dollar Tree. I gathered up my supplies for half the price of the Target wreath.

Here is what you’ll need to do this very simple wreath project:

A wreath form

6 bags of easter eggs. I used 63 eggs to be exact.

Scissors and a glue gun. Cut the strings off of the Easter eggs, then glue them all they way around the form. I started at the top of the form and worked my way around.
I was very happy with the way it turned out! I was not at all sure how it was going to look, and the best part was--- it only cost $6.50! Gotta love the Dollar Tree!!!

I tried out in a few different places....Spring has sprung!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Glittered Rose

Here is an way to give fresh life to old silk or fabric flowers that you may floating around. I am sure you have them...I have tons...I will go to throw them out...then an idea of what to do with them will pop into my head. I actually, cannot stand fake flowers...I have no idea why I have them...yet, I here is a clever little idea (lol....not that I think I am that clever. I just love the word ;)

Gather up your supplies:

Glue, glitter, flower (any will do) two paper plates...One for glue, the other for glitter.

I used a paint brush to help spread the glue.







You may want to let it dry before you decorate...I'm impatient and just let it dry in the teacup.

My photography skill are atrocious!
I'm in search of a new camera,
one that will take the most fantastic photos for me!
You know, just push a button and Viola! Perfect photo. 
Still have not found that camera.....*sigh* day....