Monday, January 18, 2010


I really wanted to continue January with a winter theme. I got the bright of idea of making snowmen. Since we do not get the joy of having snow and making real snowmen I got a bright idea and decided to make snowmen.

Here is what you need:

Styrofoam balls in small, medium and large
glitter (whatever color your heart desires we used pink, gold and silver)
glue (to roll the balls in we used regular white school glue)
hot glue
paper plates
scrap fabric


 1) I went to Beverly's (they have a coupon flyer out right now...40% off of one item) and got styrofoam balls, styrofoam glue and fine glitter. I spent about $20. Styrofoam is not cheap. They are about $5.99-6.99 for 6-8 balls. I bought them in medium sizes to create the snowman.

2) Cut the rounded end of each ball so that when you glue them together it sits flat. I did not do this at first (hence the reason there is glitter would have been much easier to have done it without the glitter on the balls) and the balls did not stick together. If you have a better way of making them stick together please let me know. It took me a whole day to get it right.

3) I used paper plates. One for the glue and one for the glitter. This where the boys got in on the fun. They helped me roll the balls in the glue and then roll them in the glitter. It was messy, but they had fun.

4) Assemble and let dry. I let them dry overnight. I used strofoam glue but you can use any glue or hot glue.

5) This is the fun part...I used some scrap material I had lying around...sewed the edges to make scarves. I also crochet hats and one scarf. Don't worry if you don't sew or could use ribbons and buttons or whatever you have lying around that would look good on a snowman. Then I added sticks for the arms. I did not put faces on them. I was going to but I liked they way they looked plain.

Here are my snowmen and women...

They turned out a lot better than I thought they were going to turn out.

I embleshed the fabric scarf with a crochet edge.


  1. way cute! they turned out great, love the teeny scarves & hats!

  2. these are so-oooo fun! the best part is the special touches you it! julie
